Sustainable, Political and Accessible Communities 
of Edmonton
The SPACE project is where activists, organizations and community members come together to promote the creation and greater use of sustainable and accessible Edmonton venues. In so doing we hope to:
  • share information that will help make it easier for activists and organizers to host events that are more sustainable, accessible and representative of their politics.
  • share information that will help venues to become more accessible and sustainable, as well as more welcoming to Edmonton activist communities.
  • encourage Edmontonians to support the venues, organisations and events that welcome often-excluded members of our communities, and that demonstrate respect for our communities and the environment.
  • provide a forum through which various social, economic and environmental justice organisations can forge alliances and share strategies for inclusive social change.
You can contact the SPACE project by posting a comment on this page, or by emailing: spaceedmonton (at) gmail (dot) com.

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